Counting Ends, Your Opinions Count

Two items:

1. Fish Counting Ends

Crayfish and Fry

We are removing the fence, pipe and fish box this Friday morning, May 31 from Brooklyn Creek. The smolt count has now gone to a low level. If you would like to help uninstall this year’s system, please join us Friday at 9:30 am in Baybrook Nature park. Many hands make light work! Brooklyn Creek Watershed Society has been recording smolt counts annually for over 12 years and passes this valuable information to the Department of Fisheries for evaluation.

Thanks to all the volunteers who have been twice-daily (without fail) lifting the counting box lid and excitedly recording what is in the box. Besides coho smolts and fry, this year there were cut-throat trout, sculpins and crayfish counted. It seemed there were more fry than former years. There will be the data results published soon online (subscribe here: ) The new signup system this year made volunteering to do the count easy. All spots are taken this year.

2. Your Comox Opinion Counts!

Comox Interactive Parks Map

The Town of Comox is developing its first Parks and Trails Master Plan to guide how to improve our parks and trails over the next decade and beyond. With this interactive map you can state your “Love, Improve, or Ideas” comments directly on a point on this map! You can make your comments about any location on Brooklyn Creek for instance, or even at your own address (in Comox). They want your input! Here is the link to the interactive map: Modern technology helping people.

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