Dear Volunteers:
Thank you for volunteering with the Brooklyn Creek Watershed Society!

Call for Volunteers (2 more needed), for a 6 PPD-Q Sampling Tutorial, 11:30 AM, Thursday September 28th, 2023.

The Brooklyn Creek Watershed Society has been working with the BC Conservation Foundation to collect water samples to check for the presence of a car tire wear compound, known as 6 PPD-Q. This organic chemical, often found in stormwater discharges, has been shown to be toxic to coho salmon, even at very low concentrations. While we were able to get one rain event sampled this past summer; there is a need to expand our collection at the main site (Balmoral Avenue crossing) and possibly expand to include one or two other sites.

If you would be interested in participating in this sampling work, there is a tutorial led by Haley Tomlin, from the BC Conservation Foundation. We will discuss our results so far, compare them with other streams being sampled, discuss the sampling protocols, and a new smartphone app to help us document the samples that are collected. The samplings will be taken before, during, and after rain events.

Meeting location: Just upstream from the Balmoral Avenue crossing of Brooklyn Creek
Time and Date: Thursday, September 28th at 11:30 AM (rain or shine!)

For further information and to volunteer contact John Neilson ( The first two people to respond to John will be contacted to participate.
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