BCWS has initiated a storm drain fish painting activity in the watershed. We did our first trials in Crown Isle area of Courtenay and will be expanding our activity in other areas of the watershed. Thanks to Jack Stevens for taking on the coordination role. The marking of storm drains with the yellow fish is an important reminder to people that what goes down the storm drain on the street goes into Brooklyn Creek.
Anyone (including families and friends) interested in joining the team may join in by contacting BCWS (see Contact Us).
- Wanted: Event Coordinator
- Early November Spawners
- Spawning Coho in the Creek!
- Prize-Winning Interview!
- Planting Native Plants Oct. 15 + 16
- Annual General Meeting Oct. 15 – 4 PM
- Help with “Defishing”!
- Survey Reminder
- Help Support Brooklyn Creek
- Counting Ends, Your Opinions Count
- What Fish is That?
- Fish Counting Is ON!
- Volunteer Smolt Count // Appreciation!!
- Background News
- Fry Jumping UPstream
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