Help Support Brooklyn Creek

Dear Friends of Brooklyn Creek:

The Town of Comox is currently completing Phase 2 of its Parks and Trails Master Plan.  The Board of Brooklyn Creek Watershed Society has been active in promoting the interests of Brooklyn Creek, and has received commitments from the Town for expenditures ranging from maintenance items (such as signage and fencing) through to capital projects, such as the expansion of the stream-side trail system.  The Town Parks staff have been great supporters of Brooklyn Creek, and the Board acknowledges their efforts.

But the Board has noted an important oversight in the Parks and Trails Master Plan, which is reflected in the current survey (  Note that while the Plan is not yet final, Brooklyn Creek and all the planned work is not listed under “Major Community Initiatives”! While the Board understands this will be corrected in the final version, it is still extremely important that you please complete the Parks and Trails survey  and in Section 5 of the questionnaire where you can give comments, clearly state that Brooklyn Creek should be a “Major Community Initiative”.  The deadline for completing the survey is August 5.

A strong response from people that value Brooklyn Creek will help ensure that the needs of Brooklyn Creek and its watershed are appropriately valued in the final version of the Plan.  Thank you very much for your time in doing this.

Go to the survey link now:

With best wishes,

John Neilson
President, Brooklyn Creek Watershed Society

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